Etendue [Borély], Stéphanie Majoral, 2019
TANT DE LOINTAINS BLEUTÉS Stéphanie Majoral Exhibition curated by SALON DU SALON (Philippe Munda)
February 13 - March 28.03 2020
Opening reception Thurday February 13 - 6 pm
MUCHO MAS! artist run space
Corso Brescia 89, Torino, 10152 - Italy
Public visits:
Monday - Friday 15.00 - 18.30
Saturday and Sunday on appointment.
For any enquires contact: info@muchomas.gallery
This exhibition is organized as part of a cross exchange - exhibition and artist residency - between the Salon Salon (Marseille) and Mucho Mas! (Mucho Mas! Turin),
initiated by Marseille expos, networks of galleries and contemporary art places, with the financial support of Institut français and the City of Marseille.
- STÉPHANIE MAJORAL lives and works in Marseille. Stéphanie Majoral’s practice is based around the question of the status of the image, both in its elaboration and its diffusion. The artist employs diverse mediums, such as installation, drawing, and photography. In convening multiple temporalities of the gaze, each exercising a slight deflection upon the perception of the one before, Stéphanie Majoral’s images concern their alteration as much as their recapture. In this respect, the artist’s process produces images that speak for themselves in senses both proper and figurative ; that is, of their own elaboration as well as of the manner in which they are brought into view. Devoid of narrative, the images relate to while still participating in a certain history of the gaze. Stéphanie Majoral’s work can be viewed on Documents d’artistes website: www.documentsdartistes.org/artistes/majoral stéphanie Majoral has received financial support from Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur as part of the creation aid.
- - STÉPHANIE MAJORAL vit et travaille à Marseille. La pratique de Stéphanie Majoral s’articule autour de la question du statut de l’image telle qu’elle se forme et telle qu’elle se donne à voir, au travers de médiums divers comme l’installation, le dessin et la photographie. En convoquant plusieurs temps de regard, chacun déviant légèrement la perception de l’autre, Stéphanie Majoral élabore des images qui visent autant à leur altération qu’à leur propre reconquête. En ce sens, ce travail produit des images qui parlent d’elles-même au sens propre comme au sens figuré, c’est à dire de la manière de les faire et de la manière de les (faire) voir, et, bien que dépourvu de récit, il rapporte, en y participant encore, une certaine histoire du regard. Le travail de Stéphanie Majoral est visible sur le site Documents d’artistes : www.documentsdartistes.org/artistes/majoral Stéphanie Majoral a reçu le soutien financier de la Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dans le cadre de l’aide à la création.